Samyutta Nikàya is the third Sutta in the Pali Canon (Trident, Central, Synchronized, Sangha, and Subregion). The sutra is a collection of short, irregularly long texts, but most are short texts, arranged and grouped according to the type of subject, called Samyutta. There are all 56 Samsara, arranged in 5 volumes, called Vagga:
Sagas (Sagàthàvagga Samyuttapali): 11 Similarly
2. Nidanavagga Samyuttapali: 10 Similarities
3. Heavenly Companions (Khandavagga Samyuttapali): 13
The Six Kingdoms (Salayaatanavagga Samyuttapali): 10
Mahàvagga Samyuttapàli: 12 Similarities
The Thich Minh Chau was translated into Vietnamese and Van Hanh Monastery was released in the early 1980s. Later, during the translation and publication of the Vietnamese Tripitaka, the Sutra was reprinted in 1993. and numbered from 12 to 16.
In the A-rank system of the Han, the equivalent of the A-junction, was Thich Thien Sieu and Thich Thanh Tu Thich Thanh Tu translated and published in 1993-1995, Vietnamese tibetan number 17 to 20 .